Wednesday, July 21, 2010


We are so excited to finally announce that we are expecting baby girl in December!
I have been so hesitant to announce anything because last year at this time we were expecting a baby with close to the same due date. At 18 weeks we miscarried. I have since passed the 18 week mark, and feel it's about time to share the news!
It's been 3 1/2 years since our last baby, but 8 years since we've had a girl, so we find ourselves starting over once again.
Since I've been out of the loop for some time now, what are some baby items/new gagets you can't live without? Any suggestions?


  1. CONGRATS! how exciting... I want a 4th and I hope for another girl! ;)

  2. CONGRATULATIONS, Erika! That is exciting news!!

  3. Congratulations! That's awesome. Maybe she'll come a few days early on 12/12 (my birthday). It's a very very fun birthday to have. :)

    I LOOOOOOOOVE anything by Boon Inc. Especially the Frog Pod. Not very baby-ish...but love it just the same. And their bendable spoons are great too.


  4. Congratulations!!! That is so exciting. Yeah for cute little girls.

  5. I have miscarried twice. The first one was at 20 weeks and I know how scary pregnancy can feel after that. But congrats, and Ihope all goes well!

  6. CONGRATULATIONS!!! So excited for you guys!

  7. Congrats Erika! That is exciting news.

  8. Congratulations Erika!!! I am hoping our next baby is a girl. I cannot wait to see all the cute stuff you have planned for her! I definitely could not live without my Boppy when my lil one was a baby. It's his lovey! My hubbgy & I both loved his Bumbo. Oh, and a bouncy seat for sure! Lifesaver there. =)

  9. Congrats!! We just adopted a baby boy (He was 3 months old) We love our Bumbo definatley a must have!!

  10. Contatulations!! Little girls are sooo fun! :)

  11. That is great news! Congrats! I can't wait to see what all your craft up!

  12. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! I have a princess! It took us 5 years of testing, procedures, surgeries, shots, pills and everything else! After all those years we got pregnant but had a miscarriage just 5 days later. Two months later we were pregnant again and now the happy blessed parents of a sweet lil girl named Alice Marie. :)

  13. I remember how devastating that was for you and I'm SO excited you're having a girl! I'm sorry we couldn't get together last weekend but hopefully the chance will happen again. :) Congrats!!!

  14. Congratulations! That is wonderful news! We are expecting a little boy on December 5th and it is our first baby! I'm interested to hear about the good baby gadgets and things to get too!

  15. Congrats! Fabulous news! Best wishes!


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