Wednesday, May 12, 2010

TUTU Bow Holder

Today we have Joy from Mommas Kinda Crafty! She has some great craft tutorials over at her place. (I love all the baby tutorials!) Be sure to check her out!!
I am so excited to be guest posting for Erika today! Hello to all Miss Crafty Pants readers!!!
My name is Joy and I have a little crafty blog I call Mommaskindacrafty. I hope you'll come over for a visit and say 'Hi'


I am mom to 4 great kids. 3 boys and 1 spoiled princess! I have a wonderful husband who works crazy hours and is adored by all of us! We will celebrate our 15th anniversary this June.

I love to sew and create all kinds of crafty things. Some of my favorite projects are those that can be done on the cheap. With stuff I already have. I love finding uses for my scraps! Or finding a way to reuse or refashion something old. My other love is making stuff for my princess. I like to keep my projects simple. If I can make it, anyone can!

I recently wandered thru a small flea-market and found the inspiration for my newest project. I have been needing wanting to make something to hold all my daughters hair bows but just hadn't found the perfect idea. Until now!

The one I saw was much simpler. I just took the idea and fancied it up a bit, adding my own touches and tweaking it to my liking. So fun and easy and I can't wait to show her!
TUTU Bow Holder
1. Cut a simple bodice shape. I just used a thick cardboard. But you could use foam core board or whatever you have. Mine is 11 1/2" tall and measures 9 3/4" along the bottom.

2. Fabric. Cut 2 pieces. 1 the same size as your bodice and 1 that measures about 3/4" larger all the way around.

3. Glue the larger piece on the front of your bodice. Gluing the edges around to the back. Cut a few slits in the fabric around the curves to help it lay flatter. And trim off any excess at the corners. (I used a spray adhesive and it was messy! So I would use craft glue, hot glue, or whatever you have. )

4. Glue the other piece to the back. It should fit perfect and cover the edges from the front piece.

5. Then I cut my tulle. I cut 5 pieces about 22" wide x 15" in length. Then baste stitched along the top to gather. Gather to fit the width of the bottom of your bodice plus a little on each end to wrap around the back.

6. Attach the skirt to your bodice. I stapled and used a few dabs of hot glue to secure and glued the ends down to the back side.

7. Add your ribbon strips. 1.5" works well. Cut 3 strips, 15" long (or the lenght of your skirt) and attach along the seam where you glued it to the bodice.

8. Add bows at the top of each ribbon. I used 1' ribbon to make my bows.

9. Attach to a hanger. I made loops out of material scraps and stapled it to the bodice at the top of the shoulder and hot glued it around the bottom of the hanger.

10. Attach a few more bows at the tops of the shoulders and in the center.

Now add your princesses hair clips and keep them off the floor!
A HUGE Thank-you to Erika for letting me post today! Hope you all have a wonderful week!

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