Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rat Trap Wonder & Organizing Car Papers

Today we have Becky from Random Acts of Obsession. I am so excited to have her joining us today. She's new to blogging and I think she's done a wonderful job so far. I have high expectations for her and I know she will continue to grow and do just fine in the blogging world. If you like what you see, please be kind and visit her blog. And If you REALLY like what you see, please become a follower on her blog.

That's me: Becky, husband: Sam, and daughter: Berkely.
Hello readers of this DARLING blog! I am thrilled to post here today. I am the author of my family blog, where I mostly chat about motherhood and daily life. I am also the newly acclaimed author of Random Acts of Obsession where I post about Random things that I get Obsessed about. LOL! So, enjoy my latest obessions!

1.Rat Trap Wonder:
I know. Rats are grose, so are their traps, but not any more!

Okay, So you get a rat trap. You can also use a mouse trap, it is just smaller, I wanted to go big!
Then you pry off the metal hardware. I took off everything but the spring at first.
Gathered my loot. Paper, paint, ribbon, modge, etc.
Painted the Rat Trap and HATED IT!!! I hated how you could still see the wording. It was ugly.
So, I pryed up the snapping part (be careful!)
Then I found this old gift bag that I had. (you can use any scrapbook paper or material)After that, I simple turned the trap upside down, painted the edges, and modged the gift bag on to the wooden surface.
That's much better!!!!

Added some ribbon and pink rope (from the gift bag).

Then I took my hubby away from basketball for 5 minutes while we clamped down the spring trap part back on to the trap. I don't know how we would have done it without clamps!

Clamped it down tight.

Powered up the staple gun and stapled the spring back on.

I added 3 round magnets to the back, and stuck it to my fridge! Love it. Rat Trap Nasty to Rat Trap Wonder.

You could do bills, coupons, receipts, to do lists, etc. I think bills will do for my first attempt!

#2. Organizing My Car Papers

Found this bad boy for 1 dollar at a thrift store. It is a foldout coupon holder. I knew just where I needed it...... First I had to make it a little bit more pleasing to the eye.

So, I modged, and I cut, and I modged, and I waited.

And I added a little burned edges satin material under the flap, and a satin flower.

I went out to the car to find this mess below:

And made it look a little bit better using my car papers, modge podged, wonder.
Thanks for sharing in my latest obsessions! Have a great day!

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  1. Proud of you BECK!!! Love the RAT clip, totally gross turned totally cute and clever. Jenn

  2. L.O.V.E the rat trap! that is such a good idea!

  3. Becks! I am always so impressed by you! I wish I had your skills. Love both items in this post!

  4. I LOVE those!! The Rat trap is adorable, and that car paper thingy, GENIUS! My glove box is a nightmare! I will definitely be making both of these!! Thanks for the ideas!! :)


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