Friday, April 30, 2010

Attention Guest Bloggers

First of all I want to thank all of you for helping me out. It truly means a lot.

Many of you mentioned you have never guest posted before. So I thought I'd give a few ideas as to how to do this!

1. Please check to make sure that date that I've given you will work. (Located on the top right side bar). If this time is inconvenient for you, please let me know and I'm happy to have you post another day that works.

2. Your post doesn't necessarily have to be a craft tutorial (although I know people really enjoy those). You can post a recipe, home decor projects, sewing projects, etc. I'd love to showcase your style.
3. It doesn't need to be a new craft. It can be something you've previously done (although we all love new things!)

4. Be sure to introduce yourself and include a link to your blog in the beginning of your post.

5. Type the tutorial or project as if you were going to post it on your blog, but don't publish it. Copy the html code (contact me if you're unsure how to do this) and email it to me the night before your scheduled guest post day.

If you have any other questions, please contact me. Once again I truly appreciate your help. Feel free to copy the image above and post on your blog the day you'll be guest posting here.
*I still have a few spots open if you are interested in guest blogging in May. Please contact me if you're interested.


  1. Erika, thanks for this info! I always wondered how that worked :).

  2. I am so flattered and excited to be a guest blogger! I have something really fun planned - a tutorial and a giveaway! I can't wait! :)

    ~Amanda @ Looking Glass Jewels


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