Sunday, February 21, 2010

Giveaway For 10 **LuCkY** followers!

I will be giving away 10 packs of these digital canvas buttons to 10 different followers . Giveaway will end Wednesday at midnight.

I'm hoping to get all the followers from my old blog to follow me on this blog. I guess I've got to bribe them somehow!!

For those of you who are already followers..Thank you Thank you Thank you! I will have a special treat in store for all of you who are followers once my shop opens.


  1. these are sooo cute!
    i hope i am lucky enough to win!
    can't wait to see your new shop!

  2. YEA I made it!! AND - I am SO Excited that I get to be on your craft blog roll!!! I guess I better get working on those posts! haha!

  3. I just found your a-DOR-able site, and I'm so excited about it! Consider me a fan :) Top of my "to do" list tomorrow is to try some glitter toes...thanks for posting!

  4. Love the new site--not sure why I didn't know you changed. Following here now.


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