Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Corner Bookmark

This is the first "Try A Tutorial Tuesday"!! Yea!!!
What is "Try A Tutorial Tuesday" you ask? It's where you:

1. Try a craft tutorial
2. Site and give links as where to find the original tutorial
3. Tell us how you put your own spin on the tutorial

*You may not re-post the tutorial on your blog. They have done all the work and you can re-direct your readers to their blog. Let them know they've been featured! They'll love it I'm sure!
If you feel you have changed the project so dramatically and you've altered it enough that you feel it no longer resembles theirs...{use at your discretion.}
then you can t post the tutorial on your blog.

  • If it weren't for her picture tutorial I think I'd have been a little confused. But because of her fabulous step by step pictures I was able to figure it out.
  • I basically followed her directions, except I used a double sided scrapbook paper. So I didn't need to glue a contrasting paper to the bottom. She used a beautiful stamp on her triangle, but mine is basic and plain. I felt the word "Read." said it all.
*If you were featured, be sure to grab a button

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I have seen them made from bag corners before but this out does that!


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