Wednesday, January 27, 2010

All About Me

A little about me!

Busy Mom to 3.5 kiddo's and wife to one good lookin'! That pretty much sums me up..but if you're lookin' for some more dirt on me, read on!

How long have you been married? 12 Fabulous years

Kids ages? 10, 8, 3 and a baby girl due in December

Profession? I am a stay at home/work at home mom.
I own my own little digital scrapbooking store, a vinyl lettering business, and am currently working on my new store "The Little Bit Shoppe" where crafters can sell their digital patterns and digital goods. { me!}

Where did you grow up? Salt Lake City, Utah (Millcreek/Holiday area to be exact)

Where do you currently reside? Sitka, Alaska

Religion? LDS

Favorite Colors? Currently they are pink and brown, but it is known to change from time to time

Favorite Food? I can't just pick one! I love Chicken Rolls, Pizza, and anything sweet!!!

How long has your blog been established? Proudly since March 2008

Fears? The Ocean, Public Speaking, Needles, and the Dentist

Favorite Vacation? I love them all. But I'd have to say Maui is my favorite!

Do you collect anything? I happily Collect Cookbooks,Crafting Supplies, and Digital Scrapbooking kits

Do you have other blogs? Yep!! Did you say BLOGS!!!!

Crafter's A.D.D. {My online filing system of crafts I like or want to do}
Pink Igloo Designs {My digital scrapbooking kits and freebies}
Off The Wall Creations {My vinyl lettering blog}

Erika's Sweet Tooth {My cooking blog}
My Personal Blog {My family blog}

One word to describe your personality? Caring

Regrets? Not getting my bachelors degree. My associates just isn't enough.
oh, and not writing in my journal.

A few things we don't know about you

*I am literally a 10 cow wife. My husband sold 10 of his cattle to help pay for my engagement ring.
*I was a go getter in high school. I played soccer, basketball, cheerleading, Student Body Secretary, Madrigals, etc... busy busy busy and loved every minute of it!
*I met President Monson when I worked at Snelgroves Ice Cream shop in Sugarhouse. I still remember...A large Rocky Road waffle cone.
*Married at 18. {and NO..I wasn't pregnant}
*I burned my house down trying to make doughnuts when I was 13.
*We haven't had TV for nearly 3 years.
*I hate talking on the phone.
*I seem to have a jukebox system built into my mind. I am usually the first one to blurt out who sings the song. Even the good old Oldies!
*I am a homebody

Pet Peeves? SNORING. Chewing Loudly. Gulping Cereal. Fingernails on the chalkboard.

Guilty Pleasure?

Eating dessert first.

Naughty Little Secret?

I HATE HOUSEWORK! I'd much rather be doing other things.

Total Night Owl! Sometimes... I'm secretly on my computer until 3:00 am.

NO Crafter is perfect..what gives or is neglected?
*Housework. I'm not going to lie. The only clean rooms in the house are the living room and kitchen.

Hobbies? Crafting*Decorating*Blogging *Blog Design*Digital Scrap Designing *Digital Scrapbooking*Playing The Piano * Cooking * Traveling/Vacationing* Computer Geek Stuff* My Vinyl Lettering Business *Sewing*Making Movies and Slideshows*My Family*My Husband

Something you wish you could do better? Photography.
Have More Patience.
Not be so "Socially challanged".
Have the desire to exercise.

How would you explain your crafting style? A little bit of this and a little bit of that, but mostly hybrid and Computer Crafts.

Favorite tutorial on your blog? Tile Pictures

What crafting skills do you lack? Crocheting, Knitting, and complicated sewing.

How are you inspired by your crafts?
*I think I have a knack for looking at something..anything..and I invision how I can put my own spin on things. I can be sitting in the middle of an ihop, and look at the decor and somehow come up with a craft that pertains to the decor. Wierd! I know!
*Also by the other fabulous bloggers around.

Do you sell your crafts, if so what is your store called and where can we find it?
If you visit you can find all the stores I am currently working on getting up and running. But Pink Igloo Designs has a few things that can be purchased.


  1. Erika! WHAT A SMALL WORLD! Yes, I know Sheridan I taught her piano for a few months before she moved to North Pole. Do you know the Wendorf's? They moved up there around the same time that Sheridan did.

    Matt and Janelle Wilson (Radio announcer in Kodiak now in Kenai) are some of our BEST friends! We just love them and are going up to Alaska this summer to see my husband's family in Fairbanks and visit with the Wilson's in Kenai!

    We loved being in Kodiak. We were there from 2004-2008. Great place, gorgeous scenery, safe town. Like a lot of small towns in Alaska :)

    I'd love to swap blogs sometime. Thanks for the post and I am looking forward to browsing your blog too!

    Brandy (Home Sweet Home)

  2. that is cool...i always wanted to visit alaska since i watched northeren exposure!
    im certain we would be friends if you lived in utah again (im in herriman)i hate the phone and actually 'talk' to my hubby and friends all day using instant messgener! so sad...


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